Saturday, March 9, 2024 | |
09:00 -- 09:15 | Welcome & Opening Remarks |
09:15 -- 09:50 |
Verification of a decentralized model for configuration management in a distributed storage system Jamshid Mohasefi |
09:50 -- 10:25 |
Synthesizing distributed automata from global specifications
Madhavan Mukund |
10:25 -- 11:00 |
An inheritance semantics for belief updates, with lying and deception about agents Kamal Lodaya |
11:00 -- 11:20 | Tea |
11:20 -- 11:55 |
Reasoning about Functions
Ranjit Jhala |
11:55 -- 12:30 |
A logical semantics of real-time concurrent programs : A personal perspective
Paritosh Pandya |
12:30 -- 13:05 |
Formal Verification of an Indigenous Real-time Operating System
Meenakshi D'Souza |
13:05 -- 14:30 | Lunch |
14:30 -- 15:05 |
News on first order modal logics
R Ramanujam |
15:05 -- 15:40 |
Sanjiva Prasad |
15:40 -- 16:05 | Tea |
16:05 -- 16:40 |
SAK Hacks PAC! And Other Tales from the Career of S Arun-Kumar
Rance Cleaveland |
16:45 -- 18:00 | Informal session & Closing Remarks |
19:00 -- | Banquet |
Banquet: Essex Farms Banquets, Sri Aurobindo Marg, Kalu Sarai, New Delhi
Supported by Mihir Mehta (B.Tech 2013) and AmuseLabs