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 Faculty Members

Sanjiva Prasad


Semantics and Verification, PL, Concurrent Systems

S. Arun Kumar


Semantics and Verification

Sorav Bansal

Associate Professor

Superoptimization-based Compiler Design, OS/Network programming

Subodh Sharma

Associate Professor

Concurrent Systems, Static and Dynamic Program Analysis, Model Checking

Kumar Madhukar

Assistant Professor

Program Verification, Model Checking, Syntax-Guided-Synthesis

Nikhil Balaji

Assistant Professor

Computational Complexity Theory, Automata theory/Verification

Vaishnavi Sundararajan

Assistant Professor

Formal verification, PL, Security

 Research Scholars

Sanjana Singh
Verification of Concurrent Programs under Relaxed Memory
Madhukar Yerraguntla
Verification of Cyber-physical Systems
Abhishek Rose
Synthesis and Superoptimization
Static Verification of Concurrent Programs through Abstract Interpretation
Prashant Agrawal
Verification of Distributed Systems in Adversarial Setting
Pankaj Upadhyay
Security of IoT Integration

 Graduated Students


 Master Students